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Sunday, May 23, 2010

How To Remove Antivirus System Pro Completely From Your PC

You might wonder why we have an entire article on how to remove an antivirus software app. First off, be warned that Antivirus System Pro is not an antivirus software app at all. It is just a cleverly named malware that masquerades as antivirus software, tricking you into installing and then running the malware program. The ultimate goal is to disable certain functionalities on your computer, forcing you to buy Antivirus System Pro in order to restore back all functionality. Cheap!

What’s worse is the fact that you cannot just uninstall Antivirus System Pro. It difficult to know at first how you should go about performing an Antivirus System Pro removal, however there are a few things you can do to make your job easier to remove Antivirus System Pro completely from your computer.

Let’s first look at the easier, automated way (which doesn’t always work). You can try one of the genuine malware removal software. MalwareBytes is an excellent option. You don’t have to do much except install and run these software. These are potent enough to detect Antivirus System Pro and remove it from the computer.

If on the other hand you don’t have these installed or cannot download them for some reason, then you can still perform an Antivirus System Pro removal manually. In fact most of the time you can remove the virus infections manually as well. Most viruses and rogue software like these target a particular area of the registry, create processes that run in the background and don’t allow you to install other antivirus software or remove any components of the rogue software. So one of the first steps in removing Antivirus System Pro from your computer is to stop the processes it creates.

It is best if you perform the following steps when your computer is operating in safe mode. You can select safe mode by pressing the F8 or F10 key just before the operating system is about to start. Once in safe mode open up the Task Manager, head over to the processes tab and end any of the following processes if you see them listed:

  • antivirussystempro.exe
  • uninstall.exe
  • antivirsystempro.exe
  • sysguard.exe

antivirus system pro removal

You can also use rkill, which is a fantastic little utility that can detect and terminate a number of malware processes automatically.

Next up its time to delete files that Antivirus System Pro created when it made a home on your computer. Keep in mind that some of these files may be locked by the application and may not be possible to simply delete them. You can use Unlocker to remove such files or folders. Also you might need to run the command “regsvr32 /u iehelper.dll” before you can delete that file.

antivirus system pro removal

  • Program Files\Antivirus System PRO\quarantine.vdb
  • Program files\Antivirus System PRO\queue.vdb
  • Program files\Antivirus System PRO\mbase.vdb
  • Program files\Antivirus System PRO\conf.cfg
  • Program files\Antivirus System PRO\uninstall.exe
  • Program files\Antivirus System PRO\Antivirussystempro.exe
  • Program files\Antivirus System PRO\
  • WINDOWS\sysguard.exe
  • WINDOWS\system32\iehelper.dll
  • Documents and Settings\\\XXXXsysguard.exe

Finally, you need to dive in deep and delete some values from the registry. To do so, open up the run dialog box by pressing the key combination Win + R and then type in regedit. This will open the registry editor.

You will see HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_USERS listed in the left side pane. These are the trees which contain values created by various software and the operating system to run properly. Antivirus System Pro also makes certain entries to the registry, which should be deleted for complete removal. The entries are listed below:

antivirus system pro

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Antivirus System PRO
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “Antivirus System PRO”
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad “ieModule”
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AvScan
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “system tool”
  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{BAD4551D-9B24-42cb-9BCD-818CA2DA7B63}
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{BAD4551D-9B24-42cb-9BCD-818CA2DA7B63}

This should remove all traces of Antivirus System Pro from your computer and normal working of the computer should resume. You should restart your computer before using it for work again. Keep in mind that these are dangerous waters we have just been through. Always exercise caution and have your installation or recovery disc handy, in case things go bad.

Have you ever fallen victim to such rogue software? If so, how did you get rid of it?

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